Minggu, 26 November 2017

Su At Kiply

Name: Su At Kiply
NIM: 16410235
(Representasi Pengetahuan)
Historical Perspective
One of the historical perspective perspectives in the history of mental imagery is the philosophical era. During the philosophical era, mental images are seen as the main ingredients in the formation of the mind, and are sometimes believed to be the elements of thought.
Theories of Visual Representation of Knowledge
The study of the representation of knowledge visually raises the larger question of how visual information is stored and retrieved from memory. Neurological activity associated with information storage has a specific form. It means, visual information is encoded as an internal "image" that can be reactivated by calling the picture, just as we observed a photo album. In addition, visual information will be filtered, compiled, and stored as abstract statements about the image or image in question.
Recent theories of mental imagery focus on three central hypotheses:
1.     Double-encrypted hypothesis: the hypothesis of the existence of two passwords and two storage systems. The first codes and storage systems are imaginary and others are verbal. This hypothesis also states that information can be encoded and stored either imaginary or verbal or both.
2.    Propositional-conceptual hypothesis: proposes the idea that visual and verbal information is represented in terms of abstract propositions about objects and their relationships.
3.    The equivalence-functional hypothesis proposes the idea that imagery and perception involve similar processes.

Two types of representation have been proposed to explain imagery: direct representation and allegorical representation. Allegorical representation is received more widely than direct representation. Experts are still debating whether visual imagery is really visual or is a general cognitive process. Neurological evidence supports the existence of mental rotation. Modern studies of imagery have divided into two camps, scientists who believe that mental images are very similar to other sensory impressions generated from the physical world and camps that believe that objects are represented in the form of the base or the foundation of the extreme.

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